Offshore medicals
Offshore OGUK / OEUK and RUK Medicals in the West Midlands
We are currently performing face to face Offshore OGUK / OEUK and Wind Turbine RUK medicals at our clinic in Birmingham and within our GP Practice at Oldbury, West Midlands.
An Oil and Gas UK (OGUK) Medical is a medical exam performed by an approved doctor. The medical ensures it is safe to work in an offshore installation.
Similarly a Renewable Energy UK (RUK) Medical ensures it is safe to work within the Wind and Renewable energy sector.
Offshore Energies UK (OEUK) now replaces the former name of Oil and Gas UK (OGUK).
We are also performing ERT Medicals Part 1 + Part 2. We are able to perform the Medical Assessment and fitness grading of Emergency Response Technicians.
You can find a list of approved UK doctors through clicking this link.
Furthermore you can book an appointment online using our online booking page.
What is involved in an OFFshore OGUK /OEUK / RUK MEdical?
The medical usually starts off with a patient questionnaire which we ask you to complete whilst in the waiting room. After that we will check your urine and perform a physical examination. We will then proceed with checking your hearing, vision and lung function test. All being well we will be able to issue you a certificate of fitness which will last for 2 years.
additional services
Renewable UK (RUK) – Wind Turbine Medical
All employees who work within the wind and renewable energy sector should undergo a RUK Medical. The RUK Medical is defined by the RUK work group and involves an in depth questionnaire and examination. We are currently performing face to face RUK Medicals in our Covid Secure Clinic. Book an appointment online through using the link below.
Chester Step Test
Arrange to have a Chester step test with your OGUK Medical. The CST is an aerobic capacity test that is used to test medical fitness. The tests usually lasts for around 10 minutes and involves stepping up and down on a step whilst measuring your heart rate and level of exertion. We are able to calculate your level of medical fitness and issue you a Chester Step Certificate on the day. Book a standalone test or add it on to your OGUK/RUK Medical.
Bideltoid Measurements
We perform shoulder width measurements which you can upload onto your vantage card. All passengers travelling offshore by helicopter should have their shoulders measured in order so that they are sitting in the correct seat. If you measure more than 55.9cm you are categorised as ‘Extra Broad (XBR)’.XBR passengers will need to be measured more frequently and will also be required to sit next to a helicopter window that is compatible with the measured shoulders. We will provide you with a certificate of measurement upon completion of the medical.
Fit to Train for CA - EBS Training
We are also able to provide you with a ‘fit to train’ certificate. This ensures that you are fit to use the compressed air breathing system when undertaking a training course. You will be asked to complete a questionnaire asking about lung, ear, nose and throats checks followed by a chest examination. We are currently performing face to face medicals and you can add it on to your OGUK Medical for an additional cost.