HAVS Assessments
Health Surveillance for Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)
Neptune Health can perform Health Surveillance for Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS). We are currently performing face to face medicals at our clinic in Birmingham. Alternatively we can arrange to see you at your workplace.
The aim of health surveillance is to prevent employees developing an advanced stage of Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome which is associated with disabling hand function. It is a legal requirement to ensure that there is an appropriate health surveillance scheme in place.
A HAVS report will contain advice on medical fitness to use vibrating tools and whether or not the case needs to be referred on to RIDDOR. (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations)
What is Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)?
Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome is the term given for collective group of symptoms related to the use of hand held vibrating tools.
Symptoms can include
- Numbness and tingling affecting the tips, fingers or whole hand.
- Episodes of whiteness affecting the tips or fingers also known as vibration white finger syndrome (See Pictures Below)
- Joint or muscle pain
- Loss of function, difficulties handling small objects and interference with day to day activities
The symptoms often start as mild and trivial however left unnoticed the symptoms can progress and can cause lifelong disabling hand function.

What is involved in a HAVS Medical Assessment?
We will ask you to fill out a questionnaire on your signs and symptoms. We are interested in symptoms such as numbness, blanching and tingling of your fingertips.
The examination involves measuring your blood pressure and heart rate. After that, we will assess your dexterity, sensation and grip strength using expert tools. We will also perform tests to rule out Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
A report will be generated which is sent to the employer and employee. The report will contain medical advice on vibration exposure and advice with regards to further health surveillance.
How can I prevent HAVS?
- Use appropriate means to keep the hands warm. Wear gloves when outside and avoid cold, damp conditions.
- Report any defective tools to your employer and use the right tools for the right job.
- Ensure all equipment is balanced, serviced and maintained.
- Stop smoking
- Discuss any symptoms of blanching, numbness or tingling with your employer.
- Reduce exposure to vibration at home such as DIY, lawnmower use, etc.
When is Health Surveillance for HAVS Required?
- If individuals are likely to be regularly exposed above the action value of 2.5 m/s2.
Visit the HSE Vibration Calculator to check your exposure levels https://www.hse.gov.uk/vibration/hav/calcinst.htm
- If individuals are likely to be occasionally exposed above the action value and where the risk assessment identifies a risk to health.
- Health Surveillance is also required for individuals who have a diagnosis of Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome.
Stages of Health Surveillance
Tier 1 involves a short questionnaire. It is for new employees that may work with vibrating tools.
Tier 2 is an annual questionnaire for existing employees who use vibrating tools.
Tier 3 is a HAVS assessment by a qualified individual. It involves assessing escalated Tier 1 and Tier 2 cases.
Tier 4 involves a formal assessment by an Occupational Health Physician.
Neptune Health is able to assist your business from and can perform assessments from Tier 1 to Tier 4.
Click here to learn more about HAVS health Surveillance from the HSE Website.
Contact us to discuss your requirements and needs.