Occupational Health - Faq
Employer - Frequently Asked Questions
OH ensures individuals are healthy and happy within the workplace. It is a form of preventative medicine to identify conditions that could be caused or aggravated through the workplace.
The aim of OH is to manage any risks in the workplace that are likely to give rise to ill health.
OH Services can help improve productivity, save money and keep sickness absence records low.
A dedicated OH Service gives staff and managers rapid access to professional advice which will help protect, support and maintain staff with health issues within the workplace.
Contact us to discuss your OH needs.
We can arrange a one off appointment or act as your dedicated occupational health provider.
We have a flexible approach and can tailor around your organisation.
We aim to complete the OH Report within one working day.
We will then release it to either the employee or employer depending on consent preferences.
A referral to OH can help in many ways
Firstly we can liaise with the GP and ascertain further information with regards to the employees health and well being. Secondly we can facilitate a return back to work and advise against the sick note if we feel it is in the best interest to do so. In March 2013 the Government issued guidance indicating that employers can give precedence to an OH report as opposed to a GP sick note. Thirdly we can incorporate measures to help ease the employee back into the workplace, measures such as phased return, advising on disciplinary matters and addressing perceived work place measures are some adjustments to assist with sickness absence.
The cost for an OH assessment and report by a Specialist OH Physician is £350. The cost for an occupational Health Advisor is £285
The fee is the same whether it is telephone, Video assessment or face to face.
You can pick and choose what needs addressing at an occupational health assessment, you can also ask up to three additional questions with our referral form:
Common questions include
- Cause of sickness absence ?
- Anticipated length of sickness absence ?
- Adjustments to help facilitate a return back to work ?
- Is the condition covered under the Equality Act ?
- Is the sickness absence related to work ?
- Barriers in returning back to work ?
- Is the individual fit to attend a disciplinary hearing or meeting ?
- How are they coping with their functional day to day activities ?
- Is the employee capable of providing regular and effective service ?
- Is the pattern of sickness absence likely to continue ?
A GP sicknote (MED 3) is an advisory note indicating the length of sickness absence.
A referral to occupational health can help in several ways.
Firstly we can liaise with the GP and ascertain further information with regards to the employees health and well being.
Secondly we can facilitate a return back to work and in essence advise against the sick note if we feel it is in the best interest to do so. In March 2013 the Government issued guidance indicating that employers can give precedence to an occupational health report as opposed to a GP sick note.
Thirdly we can incorporate measures to help ease the employee back into the workplace, measures such as phased return, advising on disciplinary matters and addressing perceived work place measures are some adjustments to assist with sickness absence.
Occupational Health Physicians have a better understanding of the workplace and work related health conditions therefore we are able to offer tailored and structured advice to help a return back to work. We are able to spend 30-45 minutes which each individual which a GP is unable to do in most circumstances due to time constraints and limited resources. We are able to identify and explore work related circumstances and formulate strategies in returning back to work.
A GP will always (and rightly so) act as an advocate for their patient. Occupational Health Physician act as independent intermediaries providing impartial reports facilitating a return back to work.
After agreeing on an occupational health assessment we will arrange on a suitable date and time and arrange whether the assessment will be face to face, telephone or through virtual assessment ( Google Meet/Teams).
A referral form will be issued whereby standard questions and additional questions posed by the employer will be issued.
Once this has been returned back we will perform the occupational health assessment with the employee.
Employee Frequently Asked Questions
A referral to OH is nothing to be anxious about. We are to help you remain in your role healthily and happily with low sickness absence levels.
We can discuss your work related concerns and advise your employer and adjustments to help you return back to work.
In addition anything that is discussed is kept within the strictest of medical confidence and we only disclose conditions in which your employer is aware of and with your consent.
We are able to explore your work related concerns as well as your overall medical conditions within an ample time frame (30-45 minutes).
OH physicians have a good understanding of the workplace and can work with your employer in order to advise on adjustments to ensure you are healthy and happy within the workplace.
We are here to act in your best interest and a referral to occupational health indicates your employer cares about your health and wellbeing.
At the start of the consultation the consent process will be explained.
You have the option to
- Review the report before your employer
- Review the report at the same time as your employer
- Not receive the report.
Once you have received the report you are able to suggest changes, provide additional information and correct any factual inaccuracies.
We always try and work on the same page as your GP.
In most circumstances a GP is not able to fully explore your work related concerns due to time constraints and resources. An occupational health assessment can delve into your work related concerns as well as barriers in returning back to work.
We will discuss the contents of the report before disclosure and operate on a ‘no surprises’ policy.
Yes !
We act as a middle man between yourself and the employer and provide impartial advice through an independent medical assessment.
The assessment will typically last for around 30 – 45 minutes.
Anything that is discussed will be kept in the strictest confidence as per doctor – patient legal privileges. We will only discuss with your employer conditions in which they are aware of.
You will also have the consent option to review the report prior to it’s release and have the option to suggest edits and information to be removed if you are not happy with it.
If you have any special needs, please let us know before your visit.
It is important that we meet the needs of disabled people. If you have any comments that would help us improve the accessibility of our services, please let us know. Wheelchairs are available if required, but you are welcome to bring your own wheelchair, aids, or any other equipment that you need.